Retransfer Film

Retransfer film offers a popular and easy two-step process in which the ID Card’s information is printed on a laminate retransfer film that is thermally bonded to the card. The method offers a high level of protection against data theft. The use of retransfer film is also popular because it produces full-color high-quality images on the card. The retransfer printers come with two main replaceable components featuring a printer ribbon and laminate transfer film. The ribbon makes a mix of basic CYAN, yellow, magenta, and black resin to create high-quality colored images using a subtle dye sublimation process. At Cardline, we offer to retransfer films by several renowned brands including Fargo, Zebra, and others. We are one of the leading ID card printing agencies in UAE that is catering to the need of large clientele bases in UAE and beyond. If you are in search of reliable retransfer film equipment and tools, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Cardline.

What makes Retransfer film different than direct printing is that in direct printing the image is directly printed on the card using a wax ribbon. However, in the retransfer printers, the images are first printed on a laminate film. The whole exercise is designed to achieve better quality and clarity in the ID cards. At Cardline, you can find all sorts of printers either ID card printers to retransfer printers. We also deal with retransfer film and other replaceable components to make sure that you never run short of printing supplies in UAE.

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